Monday, January 20, 2014

1st Grade Paper Mache - Owl Moon

Paper Mache - Owls

Teaching the process of paper mache is always an interesting undertaking in any elementary school art classroom. My first couple of years of teaching I tried various paper mache projects but it was always a huge undertaking with 25 kids in a class. After many years have finally come to embrace the process. This year I started paper mache with my 1st grade classes. I combined this project with a PTO enrichment program on Birds of Prey. The kids saw owls first hand during the presentation. Making a connection with live owls their sculptural art was a great experience. And paper mache is a wonderful medium to address many of the elements and principles of art and design.
  • The elements are: line, shape, color, texture, space, and form. 
  • The principles include: pattern, balance, contrast, unity, variety, rhythm, movement, and emphasis. 
Our owls were created from recycled materials, acrylic paint, and model magic. Donated newspaper, paper towels, aluminum foil and black pins make up the recycled elements. Students use painted paper for feathers to create texture and depth. Here are some of our owls from my first two classes that completed their owls. I just love these.

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